This past Nu-Works class we learned about movement with one of my dance teachers, Mr. Richards. He made us improve using movement while he was saying quotes about movement. One thing he said is "Symmetry is lifeless." This means to me that things that are the same are not as interesting or living as things that are moving or things that are different. See, Symmetry means the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis or correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing, but honestly movement is the exact opposite of symmetry. Movement is not lifeless, nor does movement ever stay the same.
Also when the students were talking and they were not supposed to be he would tells us that the only way we shall be speaking is through our body. He also called the students who talked not though their body Ostriches. I was never an ostrich which I am thankful of. I guess he called them that because ostriches are very loud animals when they make noise.
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