Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paul Baker

Paul Baker, who founded the Dallas Theater Center in 1959 and was the first principal of Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. He believed is the use of space in the arts. For example, you use space in the art of dance a lot of the time. The works space for dance has to be big enough for all of the dancers to have enough space to dance full out. If the dancers do not have enough space they will collide into each other and they will not be able to dance fully. Also the art of dance uses space by how the dancers move through the space. Space can also be involved with visual arts as well. Visual art has to be drawn on a canvas of some sort and the canvas can be considered a space that the artist is drawing on. Paul Baker also believed that the music can fill up a space by the volume of the sounds. The theater also uses space by having the actresses and actors by how they project to the audience. They also fill up the space by the props that they may use. Paul Baker considered all of these ideas when he worked as the principal at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.  Paul Baker was a very influential person on the way the arts used space.


This past Nu-Works class we learned about movement with one of my dance teachers, Mr. Richards. He made us improve using movement while he was saying quotes about movement. One thing he said is "Symmetry is lifeless." This means to me that things that are the same are not as interesting or living as things that are moving or things that are different. See, Symmetry means the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis or correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing, but honestly movement is the exact opposite of symmetry. Movement is not lifeless, nor does movement ever stay the same.
Also when the students were talking and they were not supposed to be he would tells us that the only way we shall be speaking is through our body. He also called the students who talked not though their body Ostriches. I was never an ostrich which I am thankful of. I guess he called them that because ostriches are very loud animals when they make noise.


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Okay so I have had this blog for a long time now and haven't even posted anything about who I am. I love to dance and I hope to go into a career with it. I really hope to so I decided to go to Booker T Washington High School for Performing and Visual Art. This school helps you get ready for auditions and really helps  your training to. I am so grateful to be going to this school because it gives you so many opratunities. Anyways I train outside of school at Beyond Belief Dance. My dance teacher gives me the best training I can get and I am very grateful for that too. The people that dance with me at my studio are like my second family and I love them. Our dance team is very good at what we do and I am not just saying this when we are not. We really are good, we have been on television and have gone to world of dance this past year. We get better every year and that is really what matters. But yeah I love to dance. I have red hair, but I t isn't natural. I died it the summer after sixth grade( btw. I am a  freshman) So I have had it for a long time. My red hair looks natural though, because of my freckles and blue eyes. My favorite color is purple and green (I can not decide) Which is ironic because those are my dance studio's colors.
I am very outgoing and loud. I am loud when I am around my friends, but quiet when I need to be respectful. I always am trying to meet new people and friends. I am always the person in my group of friends that they dare to do outragious things in public. Like I said I am very out going.
Well That is pretty much it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, The founder of Apple, died yesterday. He is a real inspiration to me because he made such GREAT products. He was fighting pancreatic cancer for a very long time, but the cancer finally won the battle. I am inspired by him because he did so much while he was going through this journey.  He is such a great person.